
county seat 〔美國〕縣城。

county sessions

Guangdong fresh county xuanzhen ancient hole eco - tourism resort area is located in the qingyuan city fresh county seat beautiful north side , the occupying a land area of 12000 chinese acres , is one take “ enjoys the scenery pleasure , the exploration natural mystery , the leisure takes vacation “ travels resort area as the subject synthesis 廣東清新縣玄真古洞生態旅游度假區座落在清遠市清新縣城美麗的北側,占地12000畝,是一個以“享受山水樂趣、探索自然奧妙、休閑度假”為主題的綜合旅游度假區。

And the author analyses and evaluates hydrocarbon source rock , caprock and trap reserving condition of work area on the base of drilling achievements of 7 emphases structure hi work area . therefore the author draws two conclusion as follow : ( 1 ) the most favorable reservoir of the work area is the spreading region of dolomite rock of carboniferous whose remaining thickness is greater than 20m with the region from jiao 1 well - cizhu 1 well - maan 1 well to west of shizhu county seat . the secondary favorable reservoir of it is the spreading region of dolomite rock with the remaining thickness greater than 10m but less than 20m which is eastern and western region of the most favorable region and the off - lying of yangdu 1 well and yangdu 2 well 本文研究主要通過地層層序、沉積相、成巖作用和儲集條件等方面對該區石炭系黃龍組碳酸鹽巖儲層進行評價和預測,并且從該區7個重點構造的鉆探成果出發進行烴源巖、蓋層和圈閉保存條件等成藏條件的分析與評價,分別得出以下結論:工區最有利的儲層是石炭系白云巖殘厚20m的分布區,位于轎1井?茨竹1井?馬鞍1井?石柱縣城以西地區;較有利的儲層是石炭系白云巖殘厚10 20m的分布區,位于級區以東及以西的洋渡1 、 2井外圍;不利的儲層是白云巖10m及石炭系黃龍組灰巖的分布區,位于工區西南部和東部地區。

While other factors , such as the distance with central city ( county seat is the central city of a county ) , also have some effects to a certainty . on the basis of rural economic spatial difference characteristics and factors of yiluo river basin , and the theory of river basin economic sustainable development , the article put forward some basic principles and strategic emphases of rural economic sustainable development . the principles include economic development first , the combination of making the co 根據伊洛河流域農村經濟的空間分異特征、影響因素和流域經濟可持續發展理論,本研究提出了實施農村經濟可持續發展的經濟發展優先、富縣與富民相結合、各區段協調發展、經濟發展與生態環境保護相協調、加強流域內外交流與聯系等基本原則,并確立了農業空間結構優化、網絡結構優化、自然資源開發與農村工業發展、人力資源開發、生態旅游開發等戰略重點。

Jiulongshan mountain is located in the territory of yangchang town to the south of danleng county seat , totaling 5 . 2 square kilometers , consists of zhulin temple , qinglongshan mountain , shiniu mountain , tietong mountain , zhenzhu lake and jinniu river , integrated with mountains , water , gardens , forests , religion and culture 九龍山位于丹棱縣城南楊場鎮境內,總面積5 . 2平方公里,由竹林寺、青龍山、石牛山、鐵桶山、珍珠湖和金牛河等景區組成,集山、水、園、林、宗教、文化于一體。

In this article , based on the thorough survey of the status quo of nongovernmental economy in county seat , the author analyzes its existent problems and government ’ s functional limitations in promoting its development , and also makes a contrastive study between government ’ s administration and restriction in some developed western countries and in china ’ s situation , then finally puts forward the importance of the government ’ s functional conversion and reorientation in promoting the development of nongovernmental economy in county seat 本文在對縣域民營經濟現狀進行詳細分析的基礎上,針對縣域民營經濟存在的問題,特別是對政府在促進縣域民營經濟中的職能缺陷進行了剖析,并結合目前中國處于改革轉型期的具體國情,提出了我國政府在促進縣域民營經濟中應如何轉變職能及重新定位的具體對策建議。

The feilonpu waterfall , with another name dadishui , is 20 kilometres to the southwest of the county seat . there is a highway linking the waterfall with the dadishui hydroelectric station . getting off the bus , visitors only need to walk two to three li to the destination 飛瀑,俗稱大疊水,瀑布位于縣城西南20公里,有公路相通至疊水電站,舍車步行二三里便可至達,瀑布的水源為珠江水系的支流巴江,落差88米,最大流量達150立方米第秒,被譽赤珠江第一瀑。

On december 19 , 2004 , local initiates introduced master s precious , noble teachings to residents of the penghu islands off the coast of formosa by holding a truth - sharing video seminar and displaying her publications and art work at the jhongjheng primary school in magong city , the islands “ county seat 2004年12月19日,澎湖同修在當地的中正國小舉辦了一場錄影帶弘法講座,會場并展出師父的出版品與藝術創作品,藉此與當地民眾分享師父珍貴崇高的教理。

The construction term : the project locating in the mabian work industry zone is 5 kilometers away from the county seat , 20 kilometers away from the raw material in the radius scope , 123 kilometers away from the leshan - shawan train station , 72 kilometers away from the yibin city harbor port 建設條件:項目地址馬邊勞動工業園區,距縣城5公里,距原料地半徑范圍20公里,距樂山市沙灣火車站123公里,宜賓市新市港口72公里。

However it is really true that sometimes government over - substitutes the market in the actual economic operation . as it is shown that government could not make out its proper function and appropriate orientation in the process of facilitating the development of economy in county seat 然而在現實經濟運行過程中,的確存在著政府對市場的過度替代等諸多問題,即政府在促進縣域民營經濟發展中的職能不清或定位不準問題。

The level of those which locates at the surroundings of county seat , or valleys and plains , or those which have obvious advantages of mineral resources , is apparently higher than those which have farther distance with county seat , complex terrain , and inconvenient traffics 處在縣城周圍、河谷平原,礦產資源優勢明顯的鄉鎮,其農民收入比距縣城較遠、地形復雜、交通不便的鄉鎮明顯要高。

We should develop small towns on the basis of existing county seats and of organic towns where conditions permit , make scientific planning and a rational layout , integrating their development with the expansion of township and village enterprises and the rural service sector 發展小城鎮要以現有的縣城和有條件的建制鎮為基礎,科學規劃,合理布局,同發展鄉鎮企業和農村服務業結合起來。

Is apart from the jiuzhaigou more than 100 kilometers , is apart from the songpan county seat 55 kilometers , south the elevation 3 , 658 meters wangxiangtai , north stop to the elevation 3 , 150 meter peiriver river valley , the span 3 . 5 kilometers 距九寨溝約100多公里,距松潘縣城約55公里,南起海拔3658米的望鄉臺,北止于海拔3150米的涪江河谷,全長3 . 5公里。

The study focuses on a key high school subordinate to the province at a county seat in a less developed central area , where two rounds of experiments have been being carried out . it is trended to reply to the matter 本研究以一個中部地區的經濟比較落后的縣城省屬重點中學為個案,進行了兩輪實驗,試圖從實踐的層面來回答這個問題。

Located at 35 kilometers away from the northeast of the county seat , it has an alias of dangquka that means a place to fish by stick . it is teemed with special fish named shudu schizothorax and mallards and wild yellow ducks 又叫“當曲卡” ,意思是“用木棒打魚的地方” ,湖中盛產“屬都裂腹魚” ,還棲息著大量的野鴨、黃鴨等飛禽。

Witnesses said that the man , jeff harvey , 31 , entered the family discount pharmacy on route 10 here near the town limits of logan , the county seat , shortly after 1 p . m . and immediately fired one of his guns into the air 目擊者稱, 31歲的杰夫?哈維下午1點剛過走進了位于洛根附近10號公路上的居家優惠藥店,并隨后朝天開了一槍。

Witne es said that the man , jeff harvey , 31 , entered the family discount pharmacy on route 10 here near the town limits of logan , the county seat , shortly after 1 p . m . and immediately fired one of his gu into the air 目擊者稱, 31歲的杰夫?哈維下午1點剛過走進了位于洛根附近10號公路上的居家優惠藥店,并隨后朝天開了一槍。

Transportation : sideng street is 32 km form the jianchuan county seat and the mountain gate of shibao mountain is just some 12km to sideng street in distance . transportation is quite available 交通:縣城距寺登街景區32公里;石寶山山門距寺登街12公里,游完石寶山后可順便到寺登。

A general survey : occupying an area of 1 , 177sqkm , shaoxing county has 15 townships and 4 sub - districts under its jurisdiction with a population of 700 , 000 . the county seat is keqiao 概貌:紹興縣地域面積1177平方公里,下轄15個鎮, 4個街道。人口70萬。縣城所在地- -柯橋。

General survey : occupying an area of 1 , 177sqkm , shaoxing county has 15 townships and 4 sub - districts under its jurisdiction with a population of 700 , 000 . the county seat is keqiao 概貌:紹興縣地域面積1177平方公里,下轄15個鎮, 4個街道。人口70萬。縣城所在地- -柯橋。